Work in pairs. Check the meaning of the adjectives below. Which describe a positive attitude? Which describe a negative attitude?

3. VOCABULARY Work in pairs. Check the meaning of the adjectives below. Which describe a positive attitude? Which describe a negative attitude?

(Làm việc theo cặp. Kiểm tra ý nghĩa của các tính từ dưới đây. Điều gì mô tả một thái độ tích cực? Mà mô tả một thái độ tiêu cực?)

Attitude (adjectives)

accusing     aggressive     arrogant     bitter     calm     complimentary     enthusiastic

grateful     miserable     nostalgic     optimistic     pessimistic

sarcastic     sympathetic     urgent

Listening Strategy 

Sometimes, the words alone do not fully express the speakers intention. You need to pay attention to the tone ofvoice as well. For example, an urgent tone of voice suggests that the speaker is giving a warning. 

Positive attitude:

  • Calm: remaining peaceful and composed
  • Complimentary: expressing praise or admiration
  • Enthusiastic: showing excitement or passion
  • Grateful: feeling or expressing thanks or appreciation
  • Nostalgic: feeling sentimental or wistful about the past
  • Optimistic: having a positive outlook on a situation or future outcome
  • Sympathetic: showing understanding or compassion for another's situation
  • Urgent: conveying a sense of importance or necessity

Negative attitude:

  • Accusing: blaming or fault-finding
  • Aggressive: hostile or confrontational
  • Arrogant: having an inflated sense of self-importance
  • Bitter: resentful or unhappy due to a perceived injustice or disappointment
  • Miserable: very unhappy or uncomfortable
  • Pessimistic: having a negative or gloomy outlook on a situation or future outcome
  • Sarcastic: using irony or mockery to convey contempt or ridicule

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 1C. Family tensions, Giải Tiếng Anh 11 cánh diều Unit 1C. Family tensions, Giải Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 1. Generations

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