7. Imagine that you are saving up to buy a new electronic device.


7. Imagine that you are saving up to buy a new electronic device. Write a blog post describing how you have managed to save money. Include this information:

  1. what you want to buy 
  2. three methods you have used to save money
  3. what you are going to do when you have enough money to buy the device

Hi my name is Catherine, I really want to buy a new iPhone, so I have managed to save money by some methods. I'd like to share with you three methods that I applied. 

The first one, instead of giving money to a bank, I will give my mom money and have her keep for me. I think it's useful because my mom always wants to keep my money and when I need it I will take it back. Secondly, I limit the time I eat out, and if I have to stay at school all day, I will pack my lunch. Thirdly, I don't waste my money I'm back on junk food or toys anymore. It helps me save a lot. Therefore when I have enough 20 million VND to buy my favorite iPhone, I would buy it immediately And continue using three methods to save money for the future. 

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 4. Units 1 - 7

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