Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 3. Units 1 - 5

Giải chi tiết, cụ thể SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 3. Units 1 - 5. Đây là bộ sách mới được phê duyệt trong chương trình đổi mới của Bộ Giáo dục và đào tạo. Hi vọng, với cách hướng dẫn cụ thể và giải chi tiết học sinh sẽ nắm bài học tốt hơn trong chương trình học mới này.

B. Bài tập và hướng dẫn giải


1. Listen and match conversations 1-4 with texts a-d.

Job interview                     [  ]

Talk                                 [  ]

Job advert                        [  ]

Informal conversation       [  ]

2. Listen again and choose the best answers.

1. Which information should you always include on a CV?

a Your date of birth

b Your phone number

c Your place of birth

2. What does Paul like about his job?

a It’s challenging.

b He loves travelling.

c It’s very varied.

3. What do applicants need for the job?

a Communication skills

b Experience

c Special qualifications

4. Why did Annabel apply for the job?

a She wants to do something more challenging. 

b She wants to earn more money. 

c She wants to work with some friends.


3. Work in pairs. Look at the photo and answer the questions.

  1. How do you think the people are feeling?

  2. Which would you prefer: a face-to-face job interview or an interview by phone?

  3. How would you describe the last time you had to make a good impression?


4. Read the article about a job at a chocolate company. Match sentences A-F with gaps 1-5 in the article. There is one extra sentence. 

A  Applicants need an excellent sense of taste and smell. 

B  The closing date for applications is 16 December. 

C  If candidates are successful, they will go on to do a blind taste test. 

D  A major chocolate company is looking for a new Taste Assistant for their UK office. 

E  Many people eat too quickly to pay attention to what they are eating.

F  The rest of the time will be spent at the company's headquarters experimenting with different flavours. 

Dream job for chocolate lovers

Are you out of work? Do you love chocolate? 

Then you might be interested in an advertisement that appeared last week in cinemas all over the country. (1)_________

The successful candidate will have to travel abroad regularly to look for the best ingredients for the company's products. (2)______The best part of the job will be testing the new products, which will be done, of course, by the Taste Assistant.

No formal qualifications are needed for the job, but there is one rather special requirement. (3)_______ The company is looking for someone with 'a good nose'. They have no preference for men or women for the job, and age is not important. According to experts, however, women are usually more sensitive to taste than men. They also say that we lose our sense of taste as we get older. For this reason, the successful applicant is likely to be young and female. 

The first stage in the selection process will be an interview. 

(4)________Here, they must identify the flavours of chocolate bars that the company has prepared specially. They won't be chocolate that they have to taste. The final stage will be a live ‘Taste Challenge’in which the five best candidates will take part. The prize for the winner will be the Taste Assistant job.

If you are interested in the post, you need to send in a CV with a cover letter. (5)______ The company will hold interviews in the first week of January, and the successful candidate will start their new job early next year.

Grammar and vocabulary

5. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks.


Marketing graduate Alfred Ajani, aged 22, applied unsuccessfully for over three hundred positions when he finished university. It seemed that the only posts available were for (1)____temporary jobs. Alfred wanted something (2)_____, so he decided to try a different approach. 'If I give people my CV in person, perhaps (3)_____ a job,' he thought. He went to London's Waterloo Station and (4) _____ at the entrance with a pile of CVs and a card advertising his services. At first, commuters were a (5)______suspicious, but then they started going up to him to ask what he (6)______. During the day, he met some very interesting people. When he got home, Alfred received a phone call about a marketing job in Barcelona. He was (7)______ because his plan had worked. He (8)______ an interview for the job next week. If he (9)______ the job, he'll be able to work using his studies. Of course, he (10)______ learn a new language too. 

1    a   badly-paid               b   creative                c   rewarding

2    a   the best                    b   better                   c   best

3    a   I'm getting               b   I'll get                  c   I got

4    a   stood                        b   stands                  c   standing 

5    a   bit                            b   few                      c    lot

6    a   do                            b   had done              c    was doing

7    a   confused                  b   delighted              c   disappointed

8    a   would have              b   have                     c   's going to have

9    a   get                            b   will get                c    gets

10  a    had to                      b   'll have to            c    have to


6. Write an application letter for the job in exercise 4. Include this information: 

  • what the job is and how you found out about it 
  • why you are interested in the job
  • why you are the right person for the job 
  • what you are sending with the letter and when you can start work 
  • what you would like to happen next. 
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 3. Units 1 - 5

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