3. Work in pairs. There are plans to open new businesses in your town.


3. Work in pairs. There are plans to open new businesses in your town. Which one of the shops and services below would be most successful and why? Why are you rejecting the other options? Write notes below. 

baker's             charity shop           clothes shop               estate agent's

jeweller's           takeaway

Choices: ________________________________________________________________


Reasons for rejecting other options:  __________________________________________


Choices: takeaway, clothes shop

  • clothes shop: Although there are many clothes shops, the style is old and unfashionable. A new clothes shop with many trendy styles will attract a lot of customers.

  • takeaway: A lot of primary schools and secondary schools are located here. Takeaway is a good investment to help children save time and money to have breakfast.  

Reasons for rejecting other options:  

  • estate agent's: the economic situation is going down, people tend to save money, they hardly want to invest in this sector.

  • jeweler's: my area is quite poor, and they mostly don’t pay much attention to this kind of product.

  • charity shop: it may bring benefits, but it needs to take a very long time and it also needs sponsors.

  • baker’s: there are many bakeries on the street and they sell various cakes, it’s hard to compete. 

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Cumulative Review 4. Units 1 - 7

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