Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink

Hướng dẫn giải VBT tiếng anh 7 VNEN Unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink - sách mới. Bộ bài tập gồm đầy đủ các phần từ vững, ngữ pháp, đọc và viết. Với cách giải chi tiết và đầy đủ, hi vọng các em sẽ nắm vững nội dung bài học và sẵn sàng cho bài mới tiếp theo. Chúc các em học tốt.


A. Phonetics

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words out loud.

1. A. apple                  B. fragrant

C. fragile                     D. traffic

2. A. bitter                   B. delicious

C. diet                          D. music

3. A. pepper                B. vegetarian

C. shelter                    D. pen

4. A. food                    B. tooth

C. noodles                  D. flood

5. A. sunburn             B. tuna

C. tutor                       D. unusual


  • 1. B. fragrant     2. C. diet    3. B. vegetarian
  • 4. D. flood       5. A. sunburn

2. Put the words in the box into two groups.

Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink


Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink

B. Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Find the add one out A, B, C or D.

1. A. meal                         B. breakfast

C. lunch                            D. dinner

2. A. lemonade                B. soda

C. orange juice                D. bread

3. A. meat                        B. milk

C. egg                               D. fish

4. A. sour                         B. sweet

C. bitter                            D. cook

5. A. pork                         B. pancake

C. beef                              D. chicken


  • 1. A. meal       2. D. bread       3. B. milk  
  • 4. D. cook      5. B. pancake

2. What are they?

1. (4 letters) …………………………..

A. It is something we eat with fish, meat and vegetables

B. It consists of white grains

C. It is the main food of the Vietnamese people

2. (3 letters) ……………………………

A. We can have it hot or cold but it os not something we eat

B. It is nice to have some on cold days

C. Some people like it with a little sugar

3. (7 letters) ……………………………

A. It is something interesting to eat

B. We have it after the main meal

C. It often consists of some kinds of fruit

4. (7 letters) ……………………………

A. It is a kind of poultry people don't eat it raw

B. Vegetables don't eat it

C. Some people like it fried and eat it with their hands

5. (4 letters) ……………………………..

A. It does not have lungs, but it has special bones

B. There are small ones and big ones

C. It needs water to live


  • 1. rice             2. tea       3. dessert
  • 4. chicken     5. fish

3. Fill in the blanks with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY.

1. ............................... petrol is there in the motorbike?

2. ................................ eggs do you need?

3. ................................ languages can your sister speak?

4. ............................. is this dictionary?

5. ............................... milk do you drink everyday?

6. ............................... days are there in a week?

7. ................................ kilos of rice do they want?

8. .............................. apple juice is there in the fridge?

9. …………………….. dishes can she cook?

10. ……………………. days off do you have in a week?


  • 1. How much           2. How many    
  • 3. How many          4. How much     
  • 5. How much        6. How many
  • 7. How many       8. How much   
  • 9. How many     10. How many

3. Choose the best words.

1. I do not have __________ oranges, but I have _____ apples.

A. any / any      B. some / any     C. any / some

2. What is there __________?

A. drinking       B. drink                C. to drink

3. There is __________ fruit juice in the fridge.

A. any              B. some                C. a

4. __________? - There’s some meat and some rice.

A. What’s for lunch?

B. What’s lunch?

C. What’s lunch for?

5. Coffee is __________.

A. favourite my drink

B. my favourite drink

C. drink my favourite

6. What would you like? - __________

A. I like some apple juice.

B. I'd like some apple juice.

C. I'd like an apple juice.

7. My hobby is __________.

A. cooking               B. cook              C. to cook

8. We hate __________ the dishes.

A. wash                   B. to wash          C. washing


  • 1. C       2. C     3. B     4. A

  • 5. B    6. B    7. A     8. C

4. Supply the correct verb forms.

1. I (not be) ………… hungry . I (not want) ………… any rice.

2. Wait ! Miss Mai ( have) ………………… breakfast.

3. …………….. (be) there any oranges ?- Yes there (be) ……………. one.

4. ……………… your sister (like ) ………………. lemonade ?

5. My mother ( cook) ……………. in the kitchen at the moment.

She like (cook) ……………………very much .

6. They are tired and they'd like ( have) ……………. a rest .

7. ………….. you ( write) …………. the essay yet?

-Yes, I ( write) …………………. it yesterday.

8. Minh 's sister ( fly) ………………. to Da Nang tomorrow.


  • 1. am not/ don’t want         2. is having
  • 3.Are/ is      4. Does... like
  • 5. is cooking/ cooking         6. to have
  • 7. Have ... written/wrote    8. will fly

C. Reading

1. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage:

For       When          Mixed        Dish

Easy     Dried         Special        Kinds

Nem Ran or Cha Gio (Fried spring roll)

This (1) ……………. is called Nem Ran by northerners and Cha Gio by southerners. In Hanoi, the introduction of Nem Ran dates back to a time (2)……………….Cha Ca had not existed. Although it ranks among Vietnam's specialty dishes, Nem Ran is very (3)……….. to prepare. Consequently, it has long been a preferred food on (4)……………… occasions such as Tet and other family festivities.

Ingredients used (5)………………… Nem Ran comprise of lean minced pork, sea crabs or unshelled shrimps, two kinds of edible mushroom (Nam Huong and Moc Nhi), (6)…………… onion, duck eggs, pepper, salt and different (7)……………….. of seasoning. All are (8)………………………. thoroughly before being wrapped with transparent rice paper into small rolls. These rolls are then fried in boiling oil.


  • 1. dish      2. when    3. easy     4. special    
  • 5. for     6. dried     7. kinds     8. mixed 

2. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Banh Tom (crispy shrimp pastry)

   Although Banh Tom is available almost everywhere in the country, it is best at the Nha Hang Ho Tay (Ho Tay Restaurant) on the banks of Truc Bach Lake, close to Ho Tay (West Lake) in Hanoi. While diners await the arrival of the hot fried shrimp pastry, they can enjoy the picturesque lake and landscapes offered by the vast expanse of water from West Lake and the tree-lined Thanh Nien Road.
   The dish should be eaten as soon as it arrives at the table. The fried pastry is topped with red shrimps and is eaten together with dishes of spicy vegetables mixed with sweet and sour sauce.
    To remind you of the local shrimping business, waiters will often tell you that the shrimps that you have ordered for your meal have just been netted in nearby West Lake. This will be a memorable meal that will ensure that you remember your stay in Hanoi.


1. Where is Banh Tom best in Viet Nam?


2. What can diners do while they await the arrival of the hot fried shrimp pastry?


3. When should the dish be eaten?


4. What is it eaten together with?


5. Do you think that the shrimps which have just been netted in nearby West Lake make it best?



  • 1. It is best at the Nha Hang Ho Tay ( Ho Tay restaurant) on the banks of  Truc Bach, close to Ho Tay (West Lake) in Ha Noi.
  • 2. They can enjoy the picturesque lake and landscapes offered by the vast expanse of water from West Lake and the tree- lined Thanh Nien Road.
  • 3. It should be eaten as soon as it arrives at the table.
  • 4. It is eaten together with dishea of spicy vegeables mixed with sweet and sour sauce.
  • 5. Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

D. Writing

1. Rewrite the sentences so that its meaning stays the same.

1. There is beef and chicken in the menu.

The menu..................................................

2. I like Salad best.

Salad is ………………………………………………

3. The market does not have any carrots.

There ………………......................................

4. I want some iced tea because I am hot.

I am hot ……………………………………………

5. Linh prefers Mien Ga ( chicken cassava vermicelli) to Mien Luon ( eel cassava vermicelli)

Linh likes …………………………………………

6. Mr Long wants a cold drink.

Mr Long would like ……………………………

7. How much is a bowl of noodles?

How much does………………………………

8. How many kilos of rice would you like?

How many kilos of rice do ………………..


  • 1. The menu has beef and chicken.
  • 2. Salad is my favourite dish.
  • 3. There are not any carrots in the market.
  • 4.I am hot so I want some iced tea.
  • 5. Linh likes Mien Ga ( chicken cassava vermicelli) better than Mien Luon( ell cassava vermicelli)
  • 6. Mr Long would like a cold drink.
  • 7. How much does a bowl of noodles cost?
  • 8. How many kilos of rice do you want?

2. Write full sentences, using the words given.

1. Father/ like/ meat / but / mother / not / . / She / like / fish / . /


2. After dinner / we / often / some bananas / , / or / some orange juice / .


3. Dinner / big meal / day / becaude / we / not have breakfast and lunch / home / together / . /


4. Many / foreign / tourists / like / eat / Vietnamese / food / very / . /


5. Tom Chua Hue (Hue sour Shrimp)/ Com Hen Hue ( Hue Mussel Rice) / Bun Bo Hue (Hue Beef Noodle Soup) / my / favourite / food / . /


6. Stick rice cakes / Vietnamese traditional dis h / that / must be / part / Tet meals / . /




  • 1. My father likes meat but my mother does not. She likes fish.
  • 2. After dinner we often have some bananas or some orange juice.
  • 3. Dinner is a big meal of the day because we don’t have breakfast and lunch at home together.
  • 4. Many foreign tourists like eating Vietnamese food very much.
  • 5. Tom Chua Hue( Hue sour shrimp), Com Hen Hue( Hue Mussel Rice) and Bun Bo Hue( Hue Beef Noodles Soup) are my favourite food.
  • 6. Sticky rice cakes are a Vetnamese traditional dish that must be part of Tet meals

3. Complete the conversation.

Mother: Can you go to the market for me, Mai?

Mai: Yes, Mum. (1) ........................................?

Mother: I need a bottle of cooking oil and some beef.

Mai: (2) ...........................................................?

Mother: Three hundred grams.

Mai: (3) ...........................................................?

Mother: Yes, I need a box of milk and some eggs.

Mai: (4) ............................................................?

Mother: A dozen, please. Here is the money.

Mai: (5) ............................................................?

Mother: No, I don't need any vegetables.

Mai: OK, Mum. I'm going now.


  • 1. What do you need?
  • 2. How much beef do you want?
  • 3. Do you need anything else?
  • 4. How many eggs do you need?
  • 5. Do you need any vegetables?
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: VBT tiếng Anh mới, giải tiếng Anh 7, tiếng Anh 7 unit 5, tiếng Anh 7 mới tập 1, unit 5 Vietnamese food and drink

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