Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in Vietnam

Hướng dẫn giải VBT tiếng anh 7 VNEN Unit 6: The first university in Vietnam - sách mới. Bộ bài tập gồm đầy đủ các phần từ vững, ngữ pháp, đọc và viết. Với cách giải chi tiết và đầy đủ, hi vọng các em sẽ nắm vững nội dung bài học và sẵn sàng cho bài mới tiếp theo. Chúc các em học tốt.


A. Phonetics

1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

Read the words aloud.

1. A. looked                                   B. watched

   C. stopped                                  D. carried

2. A. bath                                       B. father

    C. theater                                   D. health 

3. A. study                                      B. success

   C. surprise                                   D. sugar

4. A. children                                  B. charity

  C. charm                                       D. champagne

5. A. danger                                     B. angry

   C. language                                   D. passage


  • 1. D. carried             2. B. father      3. D. sugar
  • 4. D. champagne   5. A. danger

2. Put the words in the box into two group

Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in Vietnam


Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in Vietnam

B. Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Find the odd one out A, B, C or D

1. A. bamboo                               B. blanket

    C. comment                             D. entrance

2. A. collection                             B. hamburger  

    C. pagoda                                 D. encourage

3. A. locate                                   B. admire

    C. forest                                    D. effect

4. A. invent                                   B. remain

    C. exchange                              D. gather

5. A. grocery                                 B. collection

    C. revision                                 D. decision


  • 1.C. comment       2. D. encourage     3. C. forest
  • 4. C. exchange     5. A. grocery

2. Match the prepositions with the right pictures.

Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamA. Near
Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamB. On
Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamC. In front of
Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamD. In 
Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamE. Behind
Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamF. Under
Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamG. Next to


  • 1. E. Behind       2. C. In front of      3. F. Under
  •  4. G. Next to    5. B. On     6. D. In   7. A. Near

3. Do you know these famous places? Match the correct places and names with pictures.

Chau Doc, Vinh Long province,    Soc Son Province,

Ha Noi City Ninh Binh Province,    Sa Pa,    Phu Tho Province

Terraces,   Porcelain Princesses Temple,   Giong Temple,  

Bai Dinh Temple,     Hung King Temple,  

Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in VietnamGiải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in Vietnam


  • 1. Giong Temple  - Soc Son Province, Ha Noi City
  • 2. Hung King Temple - Phu Tho Province
  • 3. Terraces - Sapa
  • 4. Bai Dinh Temple - Ninh Binh Province
  • 5.  Porcelain Princesses Temple - Chau Doc, Vinh Long Province

C. Reading

1. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage.

go          study      state     find       choose

take     start        stay      private    leave

Secondary education in the USA

  In the USA students (1) ___________ their secondary education at the age of 11. First they (2) ___________ to Middle School for three years. Then they go for High School for four years, from the age  14 to 18. Some students (3) ___________ school when they are 16 and (4) ___________ job. But most students (5) ___________ at High School still they are 18. Then they (6) ___________ exams and they get "High School Diploma". There aren't any national exams.   

All students at secondary school in the USA (7) ___________ English, maths, science, and P.E., but students (8) ___________ other subjects, so they don't all study the same subjects.

About 90% of students in the USA go to (9) ___________ schools. About 10% go to (10) ___________ schools. Most of the private schools are religious schools.  


  • 1. start       2. go           3. lesve      4. find   
  • 5. stay       6. take       7. study     8. choose
  • 9. state   10. private

2. Read the letter and decide which statements are tru (T) or false (F)

Thanks for your letter. It's very interesting to know about schools in the USA. I think schools in Viet Nam are a little different. Vietnamese students usually wear uniform. Classes start at 7.00 each morning and end at 11.15 in the afternoon. Students have a 30-minute break after three periods. At break time, many students play games. Some go to the canteen and buy something to eat or drink. Others talk together. Our school year lasts for 9 months, from September to May. Then we have a 3-month summer vacation. We feel too much long to come back to school to meet friends. I hope to know more about schools in your country.

Your friends,


Giải VBT tiếng Anh 7 VNEN unit 6: The first university in Vietnam


  • 1. F      2. F     3. T     4. F     
  • 5. F     6. T     7. F     8. F

D. Writing

1. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

1. Gangnam Style, by a 34 year-old South Korean Singer, Psy, first appeared _______ YouTube in July. 

2. I bought some souvenirs _______ my friends when I was in Nha Trang. 

3. Fiona is getting better and better _______ writing compositions. 

4. Our country is rich _______ oil and rubber.

5. The school cafeteria only opens _______ lunchtime 

6. My mother is very keen _______ growing roses. 

7. The science books are ______ the rack _______ the corner of the room.

8. I am 13 years old now. I prefer to talk ______ people ______ my age.  


  • 1. on     2. for    3. at    4. in    5. at 
  • 6. on    7. on- in   8. o/ with- of

2. Turn these sentences into passive voice

1. My father waters these flower trees every morning.


2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.


3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.


4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.


5. Our teachers give us a free period this Saturday to prepare the festival.



  • 1. These flower trees are watered every morning.
  • 2. Fiona was invited to John’s birthday party last night.
  • 3. The dinner is being prepared in the kitchen.
  • 4. Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day.
  • 5. We are given a free period this Saturday to prepare the festival( by teacher).

3. Turn these sentences into active voice.

1. Another accident was caused on this road this afternoon.


2. Tom was bought a new bike yesterday afternoon by his parents.


3. The secretary wasn't phoned this morning by the manager.


4. Was this beautiful dress bought by Mary?


5. Which pictures were chosen to send your sister on her birthday?



  • 1. They cause another accident on this road this afternoon.
  • 2. Tom’s parents bought him a new bike yesterday.
  • 3. The mananger didn’t phone the secrectay this morning.
  • 4. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress?
  • 5. Which picture did you choose to send your sister on her birthday?
Từ khóa tìm kiếm: VBT tiếng Anh mới, giải tiếng Anh 7, tiếng Anh 7 unit 6, tiếng Anh 7 mới tập 1, unit 6 The first university in Vietnam ;

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