Giải Unit 9: Festivals around the world (Skills 2)

Giải Unit 9: Festivals around the world - Skills 2 sách tiếng anh 7 Global success. Phần đáp án chuẩn, hướng dẫn giải chi tiết cho từng bài tập có trong chương trình học của sách giáo khoa. Hi vọng, các em học sinh hiểu và nắm vững kiến thức bài học.


Exercise 1. Look at the animal below. Discuss the following questions with a partner (Hãy nhìn vào con vật bên dưới. Thảo luận các câu hỏi sau đây với một đối tác)

1. What is it?

2. What festival is it a part of? 

Trả lời:

1. It's a peacock

2. It is a part of the mayilattam festival.

Exercise 2. Now listen to Mark talking about how his family celebrates a festival. Check your answers (Bây giờ hãy nghe Mark kể về cách gia đình anh ấy tổ chức một lễ hội. Kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn)

Trả lời:

Exercise 3. Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) (Hãy nghe lại và quyết định xem câu đó đúng (T) hay sai (F)

Giải Unit 9: Festivals around the world (Skills 2)

Trả lời: Đang cập nhật...

Exercise 4. Think about a festival that your family usually celebrates. Fill in the blanks with your answers (Hãy nghĩ về một lễ hội mà gia đình bạn thường tổ chức. Điền vào chỗ trống với câu trả lời của bạn)

Giải Unit 9: Festivals around the world (Skills 2)

Trả lời:

  • Some typical Tet's food are sweets, coconut jam, fruit candies, melon seeds, stew pork with eggs, and especially sticky rice cake

  • All family members try to come back to their home and get together to make such preparations for Tet as buying new clothes and cleaning their house.

  • It often begins in late-January and ends in early-February.

  • Many people visit relatives to wish a happy new year. Adults will give lucky money to children.

Exercise 5. Now write an email of about 70 words to tell Mark about the festival. Use the notes in 4 (Bây giờ hãy viết một email khoảng 70 từ để nói với Mark về lễ hội. Sử dụng các ghi chú trong 4)

Giải Unit 9: Festivals around the world (Skills 2)

Trả lời:

Dear Mark,

How are you? I'm going to tell you about our Tet holiday.

It often begins in late-January and ends in early-February. With the meaning of seeing the old year off and welcoming the new year, Tet becomes a special occasion of reunion for Vietnamese families. At that time, all family members try to come back to their home and get together to make such preparations for Tet as buying new clothes and cleaning their house. A branch of apricot blossoms or a Kumquat tree is indispensable decoration for every family in these days. They seem like a fresh air to the house. We display a tray full of fruits and vases of flowers on the ancestral altar. Some typical Tet's food are sweets, coconut jam, fruit candies, melon seeds, stew pork with eggs, and especially sticky rice cake. Tet meals are usually bigger and more delicious than our daily ones. On Tet holiday, people have many recreational activities. Young persons take part in traditional games such as: tug of war, cooking rice, cock fighting, watching lion dance. Many people visit relatives to wish a happy new year. Adults will give lucky money to children. Woman like going to pagoda to wish good things for their family. In my opinion, I like cozy and fresh Tet atmosphere. All family members gather and talk about resolutions for a happy new year. I can hang out with my friend and don't worry about anything.

 I hope that one day you can join with us.


Từ khóa tìm kiếm: Giải tiếng anh 7 sách mới, giải tiếng anh 7 global success, giải sách global success, giải unit 9 tiếng Anh 7 global success, giải : Festivals around the world Skills 2

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