4. Read the Reading Strategy. Then match the questions below with paragraphs 1-3 of the text. There is one extra question.

4. Read the Reading Strategy. Then match the questions below with paragraphs 1-3 of the text. There is one extra question.

In which paragraph does the writer tell us …

(Trong đoạn nào tác giả nói cho chúng ta…)

A. When the first operation happened?[  ]

B. Why Lenkei needed an operation on his arm?

[  ]

C. What Lenkei did just before the operation on his arm?[  ]
D. On what part of his body the third operation was?[  ]
E. When Doctor Llewellyn-Clerk realised that Lenkei was not in pain?[  ]
F. When Lenkei first hypnotised somone?[  ]
G. What happens to pain signals in his body while he is hypnotised?[  ]
H. When Lenkei had his second operation?[  ]
I. How long the operation on his arm took?[  ]
J. What the doctor did to Lenkei’s arm during the operation?[  ]

A. 3B. 1C. 1D. 3E. 2F. 3G. XH. 1I. 2J. 2

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