3. Study the dictionary entries. Then answer the questions below.

3. Study the dictionary entries. Then answer the questions below.

explore /ɪkˈsplɔ:/ verb to travel around a place, etc. in order to learn about it: They went on an expedition to explore the river Amazon. (figurative) We need to explore (= look carefully at) all the possibilities before we decide. > exploration noun [U]

explorer /ɪkˈsplɔːrə/ noun [C] a person who travels around a place in order to learn about it. 

(explore / ɪkˈsplɔ: / động từ: đi du lịch quanh một nơi,… để tìm hiểu về nó: Họ đã tham gia một chuyến thám hiểm để khám phá sông Amazon. (nghĩa bóng) Chúng ta cần khám phá (= xem xét kỹ lưỡng) tất cả các khả năng trước khi quyết định. > exploration [U]: danh từ không đếm được)

explorer / ɪkˈsplɔːrə / danh từ đếm được [C] một người đi vòng quanh một nơi để tìm hiểu về nó.

1. Which noun is countable? ______________________

2. Which noun is uncountable? ______________________

3. Which noun has no definition? ______________________

(Note: related nouns sometimes have no definition if the meaning is clear without one.)

4. Which entry has example sentences? ______________________

5. Why are there two examples, not one?



6. Which entry has no information about pronunciation? ______________________

1. Which noun is countable? explorer

2. Which noun is uncountable? exploration 

3. Which noun has no definition? exploration

(Note: related nouns sometimes have no definition if the meaning is clear without one.)

4. Which entry has example sentences? explore

5. Why are there two examples, not one?

Because “explore” has multiple meanings. 

6. Which entry has no information about pronunciation? exploration

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