3. Study the dictionary entries and answer the questions.

3. Study the dictionary entries and answer the questions.

1   How many meanings are there for each verb? ______________________

2   Which verb takes an infinitive? ______________________

3   Which verb takes an -ing form? ______________________

4    Which verb takes a bear form? ______________________

fail /feil/ verb 1 [I, T]. t not to be successful in sth: She failed her driving test. I feel that've failed. – I’m 25 and I still haven’t got a job.  2. [I] fail to do sth to not do sth. She failed to notice that the front door was open.  

risk /risk/ verb [T] 1. to put sth or yourself in a dangerous position. The man risked his life to save the little boy. 2. risk doing something to take the chance of sth unpleasant happening. If you don’t work hard now, you risk failing your exams.   

make /meik/ verb 1. to create or prepare something by combining materials or putting parts together. She makes her own clothes. 2. make somebody/ something do something to cause somebody / something to do something. She always makes me laugh.

1   How many meanings are there for each verb? two

2   Which verb takes an infinitive? fail

3   Which verb takes an -ing form? risk

4    Which verb takes a bear form? make

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