2. Complete the work activities with the words below. Use each word or phrase only once.

2. Complete the work activities with the words below. Use each word or phrase only once.

alone      children      a computer     customers     your feet

five      hours     indoors     a lot      a lot of money      outdoors

the phone            phone calls        the public         a team        a uniform

1. travel              __________________________

2. be on              __________________________

3. serve              __________________________

4. work              __________________________



5. wear              __________________________

6. deal with        __________________________

7. be part of       __________________________

8. work nine-to- __________________________

9. work long       __________________________

10. make            __________________________

11. answer         __________________________

12. work with     __________________________

13. earn             __________________________

14.  use             __________________________

1. travel alone        

2. be on your feet           

3. serve customers         

4. work alone 



5. wear a uniform

6. deal with the public

7. be part of a team 

8. work nine-to- five

9. work long hours

10. make phone calls

11. answer the phone

12. work with children

13. earn a lot

14. use a computer

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