1. USE OF ENGLISH: Read the text about BASE jumping and choose the correct answers (a-c) to complete gaps 1-5.

1. USE OF ENGLISH: Read the text about BASE jumping and choose the correct answers (a-c) to complete gaps 1-5.

1   a   alikeb   likec   similar
2   a   Howeverb   Otherwisec   Instead
3   a   partb   placec   off
4   a   thanksb   becausec   according
5   a   inventedb   decidedc   thought

BASE jumping

BASE jumping is an extreme sport. It is (1)____ to sky-diving, but there are important differences. Firstly, the jumps are much lower – usually no more than 600 metres. And secondly, there is no aircraft. (2)____, participants jump from some kind of bridge, building or cliff. The first BASE jump took (3)____ in 1912 in New York when Frederick Law jumped from the Statue of Liberty. In the 1960s and 70s, the sport became more popular, partly (4)____ to film-maker Carl Boenish. He made documentaries about BASE jumping and also (5)____ of the name. He died in 1984 while he was jumping in Norway. BASE jumping is a thrilling experience but it is very risky too.


BASE jumping is an extreme sport. It is (1) similar to sky-diving, but there are important differences. Firstly, the jumps are much lower – usually no more than 600 metres. And secondly, there is no aircraft. (2) Instead, participants jump from some kind of bridge, building or cliff. The first BASE jump took (3) place in 1912 in New York when Frederick Law jumped from the Statue of Liberty. In the 1960s and 70s, the sport became more popular, partly (4) thanks to film-maker Carl Boenish. He made documentaries about BASE jumping and also (5) thought of the name. He died in 1984 while he was jumping in Norway. BASE jumping is a thrilling experience but it is very risky too.

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global; Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global 2C. Listening Unit 2: Adventure

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