Work in pairs. Choose one means of communication below. Ask and answer questions about it

4. Work in pairs. Choose one means of communication below. Ask and answer questions about it.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Chọn một phương tiện liên lạc dưới đây. Hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi về nó)

1. Automatic translation function

- When: in 10 years

- Who: social network users

- How: translate comments and private messages in all languages

- Why: remove language barriers

2. Chatbot

- When: in 10 years

- Who: sellers of online shops

- How: instantly reply to customers in all languages

- Why: help sell more products to customers from other countries

1. Automatic translation function

1. When will automatic translation function become more commonly used?

Automatic translation function will become more commonly used in 10 years.

2. Who will be using them?

Social network users will be using them.

3. How will they help in communication?

They will translate comments and private messages in all languages.

4. Why will they become more popular?

Because they will remove language barriers.

2. Chatbot

1. When will chatbot become more commonly used?

Chatbot will become more commonly used in 10 years.

2. Who will be using them?

Sellers of online shops will be using them.

3. How will they help in communication?

They will instantly reply to customers in all language.

4. Why will they become more popular?

Because they will help sell more products to customers from other countries.

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Unit 10 Communication, Giải Tiếng Anh 8 kết nối Communication in the future Communication, Giải Anh 8 Global success Unit 10

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