Write the words or phrases from the box in the correct column

I. Write the words or phrases from the box in the correct column in your notebook. Add two more ideas to each column.

(Viết các từ hoặc cụm từ trong hộp vào đúng cột trong sổ ghi chép của bạn. Thêm hai ý tưởng nữa vào mỗi cột)

beautiful buildings crime heavy traffic a lot of noise pollution

pubilic transportation shops and restaurants trees and green space 

Good things in a neighborhood

Bad things in a neighborhood


Good things in a neighborhood

Bad things in a neighborhood

  • Beautiful buildings
  • Trees and green space
  • Shops and restaurants
  • Public transportation
  • Community events
  • Friendly neighbors
  • Crime
  • Heavy traffic
  • A lot of noise
  • Pollution
  • Lack of green space
  • Limited parking options

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Explore new worlds Unit 3B. Explain What Makes a Good Neighborhood, Giải Tiếng Anh 11 cánh diều Unit 3B. Explain What Makes a Good Neighborhood, Giải Anh 11 Explore new worlds Unit 3

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