[English Discovery] Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 4: Love to learn - Vocabulary
Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 6 Starter Unit 3: Everyday - Vocabulary trang 33 sách " Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery ". Tech12h sẽ hướng dẫn giải tất cả câu hỏi và bài tập với cách giải nhanh và dễ hiểu nhất. Hi vọng, thông qua đó học sinh được củng cố kiến thức và nắm bài học tốt hơn
1. Match photos A-H with words 1-8
1. G pencil 4. whiteboard 7. calculator
2. ruler 5. pen 8. eraser
3. poster 6. projector
=> Answer:
2. A 3. D 4. B 5. H
6. C 7. E 8. F
2. Complete the classroom objects with the words below.
book case sports text
1. pencil case 3. book ____
2. exercise ____ 4. bag ____
=> Answer:
2. book 3. text book 4. sports
3. Complete the sentences with words from Exercises 1 and 2.
1. Write in pencil. Then you can use an ____ if you want to change something.
2. Can we use a ____ in our Maths test?
3. I've got a T-shirt and trainers in my ____
4. Don't write in the ____ book! Copy the questions into your ____ book.
5. Harry often cleans the ____ for the teacher after the lesson.
6. There's a ____ on our classroom wall, with a map of the world on it.
7. I forgot my ____ with all my pens and pencils. Can I borrow a pen?
8. Our teacher sometimes uses a ____ in class. She shows us pictures and texts.
=> Answer:
2. calculator 3. bag 4. text book, exercise book
5. whiteboard 6. poster 7. pencil case 8. projector
4. Complete the school subjects.
1. Art 2. G_ _g_ _ _h_ 3. B_ _I_g_ 4. _i_t_r_
5. _ _gl_ _h 6. _a_hs 7. P_y_ _c_
8. M_ _i_ 9. Dr_ _a 10. C_ _m_s_ _y
=> Answer:
2. Geography 3. Biology 4. History 5. English
6. Maths 7. Physics 8. Music 9. Drama 10. Chemistry
5. Find eight school subjects from Exercise 4 in the word search.
=> Answer:
6. Match 1-4 with a-d to make school subjects.
1. d Information a. Education
2. Physical b. Skills
3. Presentation c. E
4. P d. Technology
=> Answer:
2. a 3. b 4. c
7. Choose the correct option.
1. In geography/ Maths we look at mops of different countries.
2. IT / PE is fun because I love computers.
3. We learn about kings and queens in History / Biology and that's boring.
4. I'd like to be an actor, so Drama / Physics is my favourite subject.
5. We often go on holiday to different countries, so Chemistry / English is useful for me.
6. I can't paint or draw, so Music / Art is very difficult for me!
7. My dad's a doctor and he helps me with my Physical Education / Biology homework.
=> Answer:
2. IT 3. History 4. Drama
5. English 6. Art 7. Biology
8. Choose the correct answer.
1. Are there any on your classroom wall?
a. rulers
b. posters
c. projectors
2. In our Geography book there are some pictures of rivers in Africa.
a. text
b. exercise
c. art
3. In we sometimes copy songs into our exercise books and sing them.
a. Physics
b. History
c. Music
4. The teacher shows us how to use in our Presentation Skills class.
a. a poster
b. a projector
c. an eraser
5. I like using in Art classes because I can correct my mistakes.
a. pencils
b. pens
c. a calculator
6. I forgot my sports . It's in my bedroom at home!
a. bag
b. case
c. ruler
7. If you use the wrong pen on the , you can't clean it!
a. projector
b. textbook
c. whiteboard
=> Answer:
2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. c
9. Complete the email with the words below.
Art breaks calculator erasers lessons Music
PE pencil case subject timetable
Hi Mia, My new school is great and this term's (1) timetable isn't bad. (2) ____ start at 8.00 and the first lesson on Monday is (3)____ ! Fantastic! You know I love painting. We've got (4)____ on Tuesday morning and we learn to play the guitar - amazing! Wednesday isn't very good - we've got (5)____ all afternoon. I hate sports and it always rains on Wednesdays! We have three (6)____ every day - not two like our old school. It's good to chat to friends then. Thanks for my present. It's a really pretty (7)____ and I keep all my pens and (8)____ in it. I've got a new (9)____ too, to help with my Maths - not my favourite (10)____
Write soon, Minh.
=> Answer:
2. lessons 3. Art 4. music 5. PE 6. timetable
7. pencil case 8. pencil 9. caculator 10. subject
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