D. Unscramble the words to make sentences.

D. Unscramble the words to make sentences.

1. more formal / jeans and a T-shirt / than /is / a suit

2. comfortable / are / loose ones / tight clothes / than / less

3. look / better / a belt / pants / with

4. you / wear / a lighter / because / jacket / should / it's warm outside

5. Sofia / than / more / her / is / sister / stylish

6. Miguel's ripped jeans / than / are / Jose's black jeans / trendier

1. more formal / jeans and a T-shirt / than /is / a suit

A suit is more formal than jeans and T-shirt.

2. comfortable / are / loose ones / tight clothes / than / less

Tight clothes are less comfortable than loose ones.

3. look / better / a belt / pants / with

Pants look better with a belt.

4. you / wear / a lighter / because / jacket / should / it's warm outside

You should wear a lighter jacket because it's warm outside.

5. Sofia / than / more / her / is / sister / stylish

Sofia is more stylish than her sister.

6. Miguel's ripped jeans / than / are / Jose's black jeans / trendier

Jose's black jeans are trendier than Miguel's ripped jeans.

Từ khóa tìm kiếm Google: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Explore new worlds; SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Explore new worlds; Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Explore new worlds unit 9 Types of Clothing Lesson A

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