2. Talk about why girls shouldn't get married before the age of 18, using some of the ideas in the box.

2. Talk about why girls shouldn't get married before the age of 18, using some of the ideas in the box. You can start the talk with the sentence below.

  • become victims of domestic violence
  • face serious health risks: young girls are not physically developed to give birth
  • leave school early: have no education
  • have no (good) job skills to earn good salaries

I think girls shouldn't get married before the age of 18 for a number of reasons. Firstly, ...

Sample answer:

I think girls shouldn't get married before the age of 18 for a number of reasons. Firstly, girls who get married early may become victims of domestic violence. They may also face serious health risks because young girls are not physically developed to give birth. Secondly, child marriage forces girls to leave school early. As a result, they won't get enough education or develop any job skills to earn good salaries. In short, getting married before 18 is not good for girls and governments and organisations should do something to end child marriage.

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